Now is the time to update your personal insurance to prepare for having a student on campus. Your personal insurance may not cover all the new risks you and your student have, so it pays to have us complete a personal insurance review. According to the U.S. Department of Education, there were over 45,000 thefts and over 3,000 fires on college campuses in 2017.
In today’s world, a student brings to college a car, expensive electronics, and other digital devices. These may not be covered by your standard personal insurance policies.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Will my auto policy cover my student while away at college? If not, you may need to request an address update.
2. There may be some limited coverage for personal property away from the primary residence, but that is limited and we recommend you check with your agent.
3. Personal liability can be covered. This covers the student for legal defense costs or coverage from an accident that causes bodily injury or property damage to others.
4. Do you have medical coverage? Many colleges offer student medical insurance. This can be a very cost-effective way of providing health insurance if needed.
We recommend you and your student create an inventory of all items to be taken to college. Take photos and place a value on each piece. Remind your student to always lock the dorm room door, never leave items out in the open, and use a security cable for your laptop.
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